TASCAR is an open-source software platform
for real-time interactive virtual acoustic environment
rendering for research and music applications. It is
under GPL-2.0. The
source code is hosted
at https://github.com/HoerTech-gGmbH/tascar/. Binary
packages are provided
by Hörzentrum
Oldenburg gGmbH. For the current user manual (pdf)
see manual.pdf. A video tutorial
about setting up a session in TASCAR can be
found here.
add frequency weighting and time constant to level2osc plugin.
TASCAR 0.232.0 released
add parenting feature to objects, fix bug in nested XML
files, fix bug in nested TOCS files, fix segmentation fault on
unload, improve pos2osc reliability, and other minor bugfixes
and improvements.
TASCAR 0.231.1 released
improvements of windows build, systematic OSC documentation
TASCAR 0.231 released
preliminary windows build, scheduled OSC messages, improved
scattering model, improvement of FDN based reverberation,
band-level measurement plugin, many bugfixes and minor
TASCAR 0.230 released
New plugins, many minor bug fixes, improvement of OSC handling, SVG map export via OSC, and minor improvements.
TASCAR 0.229.2 released
Correct FIR filter length in speaker correction (affects FIR speaker correction only, not related to calibration wizard).
TASCAR 0.229 released
Added plugin to generate ramps on changes of transport state, bugfix of FIR loudspeaker frequency correction, bugfix and improvement of LSL handling in the interface to Qualisys track manager, many minor bugfixes and improvements.
TASCAR 0.228.3 released
Bugfix and documentation of Matlab/Octave tools.
TASCAR 0.228.1 released
Bugfix of loudspeaker calibration wizard: When
frequency-dependent speaker correction was active, the
broadband calibration is now measured with active speaker
TASCAR 0.228 released
Allow to use material names instead of filter coefficients in
reflectors. Some materials definitions are built into TASCAR,
more can be defined within a scene. Furthermore, the speaker
calibration uses now the more robust Nelder-Mead method for
optimization of parameteric equalizers.
TASCAR 0.227.1 released
This is a minor bugfix release to fix the behavior of the
sndfile plugin: The timeline-independent playback of sound files
did not work correctly when the file load was triggered via
OSC. This, and the documentation of the sndfile plugin, is
updated with this release.
TASCAR 0.227 released
The dataloggin supports a headless mode for command line
applications, improved handling of LSL streams and some other
improvements (e.g., support of datalogging on macOS). The GUI
was partly re-designed, and works again on macOS and
Windows. Head tracking with the ovheadtracker module
was improved further.
TASCAR 0.226 released
The crossover filters in subwoofer bass management are now
using correct Butterworth filter design with 24 dB/Octave slopes
and corect phase. Furthermore, the calibration method was
improved to avoid compensation of the crossover filters by the
calibration process. Also the MPU6050 based head tracking was
improved to achieve a resolution near 1/100 of a degree
(compared to approx. 1 degree in the previous version).
TASCAR 0.225.1 released
The loudspeaker calibration wizard was completely redesignd,
and spectral correction of loudspeakers based on parametric
filter banks was added (optional). Also the data logging was
improved and many other minor bugs fixed as well as features
TASCAR 0.224 released
With this release, some new features were added and some bugs were fixed: The spawning of subprocesses was redesigned for more control, e.g., re-spawning after process ended. The data logging was bugfixed; in some conditions the logging of LSL streams ended after several minutes. A method to discover OSC variables and their current values was added, which enables the development of GUIs. The offline rendering tools now support specification of channel maps (thanks to A. Moore), and the build on macOS was significantly improved.
TASCAR 0.223 released
Bugfix of diffuse sound field decoding: an invalid scaling of
the decoding order gain resulted in lower spatial
resolution. With this bugfix, the diffuse field processing of
the directional mask plugin multibeam was implemented
and tested.
TASCAR 0.222 released
Optional convolution of loudspeaker channels with HRIR for all speaker-based receivers.
TASCAR 0.221 released
Fix orientation and channel order of diffuse sound fields, minor bugfixes and documentation.
TASCAR 0.220 released
Fix dependency problem with LSL, minor improvements of various plugins, documentation and scripts.
TASCAR 0.219 released
Add watchdoc functionality to glabsensor jackstatus.
TASCAR 0.218 released
Fix of severe bug in tascar_spkcalib. If you are using 0.217
then please update immediately.
TASCAR 0.217 released
Microphone array receiver type, many minor bugfixes and
TASCAR 0.216 released
Support of subwoofer definition and calibration in speaker
based render methods.
TASCAR 0.215 released
Bugfix of the hoa3d receiver type (tolerance value of
pseudo-inverse), and many minor improvements and bugfixes.
TASCAR 0.214 released
Release of TASCAR for ARM Linux / Raspbian Buster.
TASCAR 0.213 released
A parametric HRTF simulation binaural receiver type was
added. The parametrization is based on the Spherical Head
Model (SHM) by Brown and Duda (1998) and includes three
further low-order filters as originally suggested by Oliver
Buttler and Stephan D. Ewert and implemented in the room
acoustics simulator RAZR (Wendt et al.,
2014; www.razrengine.com).
This receiver implementation is an outcome of the bachelor
thesis of Fenja Schwark.
TASCAR 0.212 released
Source directivity defaults now to omni-directional for
volumetric (diffuse) receiver types. This can be overwritten for
new source directivity types, e.g, to account for average
diffuse radiation frequency response.
TASCAR 0.211 released
A partitioned convolution for for rendering diffuse
reverberation based on recorded B-format impulse responses was
added, and the simple feedback delay network (FDN) was
TASCAR 0.210 released
A receiver type for rendering to ITU 5.1 speaker layouts was
added. Furthermore, a new diffuse reverberation concept was
developed, to allow diffuse reverb also in offline simulation
and without recursive signal routing. A simple feedback delay
network (FDN) was added as a prototype algorithm.
TASCAR 0.209 released
Addition of A weighting to level metering, some GUI improvements and bug fixes. Switching of meter weighting at run-time is now possible.
TASCAR 0.207 released
Improvements of the content authorship and right management system.
TASCAR 0.205 released
Implementation of arbitrary order 3D HOA encoding and decoding, with mode matching and ALLRAD decoder.
Technical paper on TASCAR
The internals of TASCAR are now available as a Open Access
journal paper: Grimm, Giso; Luberadzka, Joanna; Hohmann,
Volker. A Toolbox for Rendering Virtual Acoustic
Environments in the Context of Audiology. Acta Acustica
united with Acustica, Volume 105, Number 3, May/June 2019,
pp. 566-578(13),
TASCAR 0.200 released
With April 30, 2019, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS reaches
end-of-life. Version 0.200 is the last version of TASCAR with
support for Ubuntu 14.04.